Fill in the form to receive our expert GORI Propeller recommendation for your sailboat.
Fill in the form to receive our expert GORI Propeller recommendation for your sailboat.
The 2-blade GORI Folding Propeller is designed for sailing yachts fitted with engines up to approximately 60 HP (44 KW). Tests show it’s highly efficient in comparison to many alternative two and three blade feathering and folding propellers available. Looking for efficiency and less vibrations, then look no further.
With GORI Racing Propeller, everything is geared towards speed. From the intricately designed aquadynamic shape and the ingenious folding mechanism to the precision engineering. When looking to reduce drag the Gori Racing Propeller is the choice for the majority of One Design racing yachts. .
The 3-blade GORI Folding Propeller is the only folding propeller operating the same pitch in forward and in reverse. This is a technological and functional leap forward in the development of sailboat propellers. Gain the folding propeller’s speed advantages under sail, and the fixed propeller’s thrust capability when motoring.
The 3-blade GORI Overdrive Folding Propeller give the helm the ability to choose the pitch and profile of the blades without the use of hydraulics or complicated mechanical devices. One propeller. Two settings. When in Overdrive there is less engine noise, less vibration, and better fuel economy. It really is that simple.
The 4-blade GORI Propeller has the lowest drag all four blade propellers. It has the same features and operates the same way as the 3-blade GORI Propeller, with the blades pivoting 180 degrees between forward and reverse, providing the same thrust in both directions.
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